If I were Allegra, I would accept Alber. She mightbe an upper- class socialite but never lucky in love. After ending her lastrelationship, she suddenly took notice of Alber. Allegra always got her way andpeople she met in her life often gave in to her. But Alber was different. He expressed hisviews when he disagreed with Allegra. Soon, both became good friends andAllegra began to trust Alber. As time passed by, Allegra found the likeableside of Alber and gradually, she fell for him.
愛情顧問事件曝光,兩人戀情就此停住,後來HITCH解釋清楚,ALLEGRA對ALBER誤解化開,兩人便又墜入愛河 – don’t quite understand this part?
When their romance was exposed, Alber and Allegra immediatelystopped seeing each other. But after Hitch’s explanation, theirmisunderstanding was resolved and they resumed their relationship.